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Color match


+ Start here... and show me your gorgeous, untouched face!


+ Then take the quiz below. All the deets.


+ Last, upload your selfie and wait for the grand unveiling of your perfect color matches!


+ Easy. Peasy. Lemon. Squeezy.

Have you ever tried Maskcara before?
Do you expect to get lighter or darker in the next few months?
How did you find me?
Do you prefer to match your skintone?
What is your skin type?
How do you like to wear your makeup?
How long do you spend on your makeup?
Do you wear bronzer?
What type of foundation do you like?
Would you like brow or eyeshadow recommendations (check all that apply)
How would you like your recommendations sent?
Are you interested in becoming an artist?
Upload Your Selfie

Thanks for submitting!

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